1. Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop is the hero product of Adobe Creative Cloud. It is the best software available in the market for graphic designing purposes. Many professionals all over the world prefer it for their professional work. It is highly rated among many organizations that have imaging and graphic designing-related works to do. You can do sketching and painting digitally with the help of Photoshop. Although it needs a bit of practice once you have mastered it, you can easily play around with this tool, without any doubt. It is good for creating advertisements, wallpaper, sketches, and also making some creative animations. If you are into graphic designing and have never touched this software, then you must use it to know what you were missing till now. It can help you to reach the next level in graphic designing.

2. Adobe Illustrator

When you hear about this tool, it draws comparisons to Photoshop and Lightroom but it is slightly different from both those Adobe products. It is different even in the way it stores the artwork. By using this tool you can store your artwork in the forms of mathematical equations and vector arts. The benefit of storing the art in such forms is that you can zoom infinitely to understand the minute details of your art easily. You can create images from scratch using the tool and it is good at a few things like making illustrations, icon pictures and logos. Most people prefer to use this to develop good-quality vector logos. The only negatives are it is not good at changing photographs or editing them, unlike Lightroom and Photoshop. It complements other graphic designing software of Adobe Creative Cloud, although it is highly underrated among them.

3. Adobe Lightroom

Lightroom is another designing tool that is a part of the graphic designing tools of Adobe Creative Cloud. It might seem similar to Photoshop but actually, it is different than Photoshop. It deals with minute details of editing the images, unlike Photoshop. It works more on contrast, brightness and balance type editing to edit the images properly. You can have them in an organized library of photos after editing the photos in full resolutions. Lightroom actually has two products that it offers to its users. It provides Lightroom Classic and Lightroom CC. With Lightroom Classic you can store your files locally and with Lightroom CC you can sync your files in the cloud and also have a backup of your work.

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