That’s why, in this article, we are going to share some of the interesting and the best replies and answers to how you are. This way, you won’t make the conversation dull, but you lead it to a great discussion.

Interesting Replies to How Are You Doing?

First, let’s take a look at some better answers and replies when someone asks how you are doing. Such are indeed good options to use with someone you know or just recently met. 

Funny Answers to How Are You Doing?

To answer those who know you and the situation you’re going through, use these replies. Like for your friends and close ones, here are some witty responses and replies to make them laugh, because they know exactly how you’re doing and ask you as par of formality.  Also read: Best ‘Thank You’ Replies for Birthday Wishes

Creative Answers to How Are You Doing?

When you don’t want to use those boring responses anymore, try this one. No matter whatever the situation is or where you are, these are creative replies to how you are doing. 

Smart Answers to How Are You Doing?

Are you looking for some intelligent and smart way to reply to how you are doing? This list has some good suggestions. Here are some better answers that express your quick-thinking according to the situation you’re in.  

Sarcastic Answers to How Are You Doing?

This is the dedicated list that you better use with someone who annoys you most of the time or someone with whom you really want to ignore. With these responses you throw your frustration out and actually shut them down, because they’re asking these questions only to irritate you.  Also read: Quick Replies for What’s Up or ssup

Final Thoughts on Replies for How Are You Doing

Well, so now you have some better responses for How are you doing than just routine one like, “Fine”, “Good, thank you” and all.  With these lists of better replies and answers you don’t just add excitement to the discussion, but you also make someone’s day with a fresh approach. Use these answers especially with your friends, partner, and colleague, because with them you really want to have a thoughtful conversation with them. 

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