Anyway, in an effort to counteract any possible bad fortune, here’s a picture of Ugo Sivocci, the guy who started sticking four-leaf clovers on Alfa Romeos to counteract a streak of bad luck. It seemed to work for him, at least for a while – he was killed in 1923 while testing the Alfa Romeo Tipo P1 car for the Italian GP, so clearly the clover has its limits. Despite this, or perhaps as a way of honoring Sivocci, Alfa adopted the symbol, and also I think they have a corporate policy of not walking under ladders. Anyway, I hope your day is deeply lucky. Pretty much everything else seems like some sort of fast or menacing animal, or something else that’s likewise very serious-sounding (but what am I missing?) Also, for this particular marque, a luck-promotion symbol couldn’t be a better choice. Riffing on that, “Golf” is likewise whimsical, even if not originally intended that way (I mean, VW did embrace the other meaning with dimpled shift knobs eventually). I’m putting the money line at about +1500 for DT getting that reference. Sorry, I did have a wake N bake this glorious morning.