After all, it is imperative to know what the process is before you start so you know what to expect and ensure you are properly prepared. The bank teller assessment is designed to focus on several critical areas related to your overall knowledge of the industry. You will be looking at the following, for instance:

Teller operations – This will be your day-to-day tasks that will assess your competence with admin, customer service and handling your workload. It is important that the assessors know how you handle your everyday tasks and prioritize your workload. Money handling – As a bank teller, you will be expected to handle money daily. This will take a good understanding of numbers and organizational skills. Balance and security – For balance and security, it is imperative that the bank customers’ money is safe. This is where learning about protection and security is key, and how it works. Sales and service – Customer-facing bank tellers will need to work with clients in person on a regular basis. This means it is important that you have a certain amount of customer service skills. You might also need to up-sale or discuss various new products to the customer, so you will need to be comfortable with sales. Governmental laws and regulations – You will need to have a good understanding of governmental laws and regulations like the Bank Secrecy Act, for instance. Learning about banking ethics is a must when it comes to becoming a bank teller.

What Does the Assessment Consist Of?

Made up of two types of questions, the bank teller assessment focuses on both mathematical and situational judgement. This means you will be tested on your numerical skills as well as more competency-based knowledge, so the assessor knows how you work in varying situations. There are several practice tests you can take before your assessment so you can prepare your skill set and know what type of questions you can expect to see. This is what we will cover within this article.

What Skills Do You Need to Be a Bank Teller?

In a nutshell, a bank teller is someone who might also be known as a cashier. So, they are an employee you will find at a bank who will help you access your account, deposit money and debit money from your bank account. They will also deal with customers a lot of the time and assist with any accounting problems that might arise. They can also help with loans, deposits, cashing checks – among other things. There are several soft skills you will need to take on a bank teller role. Aside from the above industry knowledge, you will also need to have the following:

Computer knowledge – As well as mathematical and customer service skills, you will also need to be computer literate, especially as you will be accessing customer accounts, logging information and processing requests. As a soft skill, this might need patience, motivation and the ability to learn something new. Building a rapport – Customer service skills require a good amount of communication, so learning the best ways to handle situations and build a rapport with your customers is really important. With banking, you are more than likely to see some of the same customers regularly, so being friendly and happy to help is a must. If you are unsure of your ability to communicate, there are several courses you can attend to brush up on your skills. Organization – Being organised is a top skill for most roles, but being organized with other people’s money is a big deal in the banking industry. You must remember you are handling customers’ accounts and will need to be organized with their accounting needs, as well as your everyday administrative tasks. Problem solving – Customer-facing positions like working in a bank can come with some problem solving situations, which is why this skill is handy to have if you want this type of position. For instance, you might have a customer who is having issues with their account and might not be too happy. Problem solving is a great way to appease the customer and find a quick solution. Written and verbal communication – With customer service, you need good verbal communication skills, as you will be working with colleagues and employers, as well as customers, on a daily basis. Sometimes, you might need to send letters to customers, so your written skills need to be strong too. Attention to detail – As with most roles, a good amount of attention to detail is necessary to make your work stand out from the crowd. It also helps with tricky tasks that might need a little bit more consideration. It also helps not to make mistakes.

Hiring managers will be screening candidates to ensure they hold the following traits, as well as the ones we have listed above. They will want to see:

Critical thinking Listening Math Technical and communication skills

Financial analysis will also be touched upon within the assessment. The score reports will provide hiring managers with a detailed analysis on how the skills the candidate possesses. This will then help them speed up the hiring process by disregarding candidates who might not reach the scores they are looking for. So, not only does this save the recruiter and organization time, but it will ensure the candidate does not have a lengthy interview process if they are not going to be successful. The test is made up of two parts: mathematical and situational judgement (SJT) tests. The math part of the assessment measures the mathematical abilities of the person who is being assessed. The questions you will receive will match those of the relevant to the position you are applying for. For example, if you are a junior bank teller, you might be mainly dealing with transactions, so the assessment could consist of several subtraction equations. For the situational judgement test part of the assessment, you will be presented with different situations you might find yourself involved in if you get the position. We will investigate example questions for each section shortly. To summarize:

Mathematics will assess your finance and numerical reasoning skills that are necessary for the position. You will encounter multiplication, subtraction, division as well as addition. If you are not confident in math, then this is an area you will need to brush up on before the assessment. SJT will cover relevant cognitive abilities and behavioural attributes that a bank teller will be faced with on a hypothetical day-to-day basis. The assessor will get an idea of the candidate’s personality and competencies. You will be provided with a scenario and given multiple choice answers to choose from. This will represent the way you would behave in certain situations and your action plan.

This will get your test juices flowing and prepare you for the types of questions and answers you might receive. Here are a few examples for you:


Example One: Addition, Percentages and Subtraction

So now she needs an additional $1,125 in order to pay off the rest of the loan. What was the total amount Amy owes? a) $1,300 b) $2,250 c) $2,700 d) $3,500

Example Two: Decimals, Subtraction and Reverse Percentage

a) 3% b) 1% c) 1.2% d) 0.3% What do you do? a) I figure out a solution directly with the customer to ensure they are happy. Management will be pleased with my forward-thinking skills and individual working b) I reach out to my supervisor and discuss the situation to see what the best plan of action is c) I advise the customer that the policy change stays and there is nothing the bank can do to accommodate their query d) I pass the customer’s complaint to the customer service department so they can handle it a) You ask the customer what their correct details are and make the change directly on the system b) You advise the customer that, as they have made the error, you cannot correct it c) You speak to a supervisor and ask for their opinion d) You advise the customer of their mistake and ask them to deposit another check with the correct information to you, personally (instead of using the in-store cash machine) Sometimes you might have to write letters to customers about recent changes or make notes on their accounts that other colleagues might have to read, so it is important you have good written skills too.

How to Prepare for Your Bank Teller Assessment

Prepping for your bank teller assessment could entail your answering a number of practice questions, like the ones above, and revising what the job role includes. You could also seek from an actual bank teller – this can help you gain a greater understanding of their day-to-day role. Asking for advice and help is a step in the right direction. We recommend you do the following before your exam: The questions that individuals are asked to answer will highlight their ability to perform tasks as a bank teller. This will allow you to practice further and strengthen your weaker skills before taking the assessment. It is also useful for people to have experience within a customer services role, or similar, before applying to work as a bank teller. This will help you to know which areas need more practice and revision. You are also likely to be required to be computer literate, so it is a good idea to brush up on your computing skills. However, as with anything, preparation is key. Taking the time to practice and refresh your knowledge of key skills can help to boost your confidence and enhance your performance on the day. Once you know what to expect from the job, it is a good idea to prepare yourself for the assessment before you partake in the process. This will show hiring managers that you are invested in the position and willing to learn. As with other tests, try to stay calm and ensure you have enough sleep the night before, so you are fully ready on the day.